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Discursive Strategies

Portfolio Categories: Letteratura straniera e Università.

 di Cinzia Spinzi

Subtitle: in the Language of Foreign Policy - The Semantics and the Appraisal of Security

As globalization has produced more complex interconnections among states, and borders have become more permeable, foreign policy practitioners deal with issues directly affecting the lives of individuals. From terrorism to climate change, from immigration to human rights, the term security appears in all of them. By combining different approaches, mainly Corpus Linguistics and Appraisal Theory, this book provides insights into the linguistic features of the discourse of security of British foreign ministers from a phraseological perspective. Through the interrogation of a corpus of political speeches, the study discloses those discursive strategies by which speakers and writers reveal implicit opinions, evaluations and feelings on relevant issues in their political agenda. The first part of the book illustrates the phraseologies in the discourse of security which is explored in its linguistic co-text and then context. The aim is to disambiguate the meaning of those adjacent and discontinuous associations of words which emerge as ambiguous in language.

Cinzia Spinzi - holds a PhD in English for Specific Purposes and a Master in Translation Studies from the University of Birmingham. She is researcher at the University of Palermo where she teaches English Language and Translation. Her research interests focus on language mediation, corpus linguistics, diplomatic language and intercultural communication. She is coeditor of Cultus: the Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication. Her publications include research articles in international journals, chapters in books and teaching resources for secondary schools. On the topic of mediation she has recently published two co-edited books: Mediazione Linguistica e Interpretariato (Bologna, Clueb) and L’Interprete Giuridico (Roma, Carocci).

Discrursive Strategies

  • Pagine: 164
  • Anno: 2016
  • ISBN: 978-88-8459-406-8
  • Prezzo: € 15,00
  • Acquista su IBS




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